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Organization is a Learnable Skill Book



In her memoir, Organization is a Learnable Skill, Lisa Woodruff, author and founder and Organize 365®, shares her raw and unfiltered thoughts as she takes you along on her transformational journey as she transitioned from a reactive person who moved with the ebbs and flows of life to the proactive person she is today. Lisa walks through the mindsets and emotional challenges that she experienced during the year that she reclaimed her home and life.

It is not a matter of if you will experience unorganized periods in your life, it is a matter of when.

Lisa’s relatable story will have you laughing out loud and emotionally releasing the clutter that you have in your life and in your home.

On her way home from a long day of teaching, Lisa realized she was failing in every aspect of her life. With her 40th birthday looming in the distance, she wondered when she would feel like a success. Her days started at 5 am: waking to get the kids ready for school, working as a teacher all day herself, and then arriving home around 5pm just in time to start the housework. Dinner, dishes, laundry, kid’s homework, her lesson plans… passing out at midnight just to do it all again tomorrow.

“You’re not a good teacher.” Those words were on a replay loop in Lisa’s mind as she drove home. Lisa added to that list: I’m not a good wife, mother, housekeeper, or friend. The list was endless. Lisa found herself at her personal rock bottom. She was not sure if, or how, she could reclaim her once organized, purposeful, and productive life, but she couldn’t go on living this way.

In her memoir, Organization is a Learnable Skill, Lisa Woodruff, author and founder and Organize 365, shares her raw and unfiltered thoughts as she takes you along on her transformational journey as she transitioned from a reactive person who moved with the ebbs and flows of life to the proactive person she is today. Lisa walks through the mindsets and emotional challenges that she experienced during the year that she reclaimed her home and life.

By the end of 2012, Lisa had transformed her home and started the company Organize 365 geared toward helping others reclaim their homes. Over the past decade, thousands of people have used the Organize 365 systems to learn the skill of organizing in an easy-to-follow, learnable way. She lives in West Chester, Ohio, with her family.

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