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    Complete Sunday Basket System - Slate Gray


    The Sunday Basket is a system for processing mail, kitchen counter “to do” papers, and ongoing household projects. It's the solution for all the paperwork and to-dos that clutter your kitchen countertops and your mind!

    The Complete Sunday Basket® System is the solution for you.

    The System includes: 

      • Physical Sunday Basket in the color of your choice 
      • Set of (5) - 1.0 rainbow slash pockets
      • Set of (20) - Essential monochromatic slash pockets
      • On Demand Workshop training videos to learn The Paper Solution™
      • BONUS - Weekly Live Sunday Basket Club inside our Community App

    Where do I START organizing? That’s the number one question I get asked as a professional organizer.

    And while that is a loaded question with multiple “right” answers, I have decided to start all of my clients with a simple system I call The Sunday Basket.

    You see, organization is a way of living, and “being organized” is a way of thinking.

    The Sunday Basket is a system for processing mail, kitchen counter “to do” papers, and ongoing household projects.

    The weekly routine of collecting, processing, and maintaining household to do’s and papers is the perfect training ground for all your future home organization skills.

    And, like it or not, the mail just keeps on coming… giving us plenty of practice to hone and refine our organizing skills.

    The Sunday Basket can be as simple as the place you drop your unopened mail to complex enough to run every aspect of your household.

    Over the last 16 years, I have tweaked and honed my Sunday Basket into a productivity machine.

    I rarely misplace any to-do and my family knows to drop all receipts, notes, and mail right in my Sunday Basket.

    The key to my productivity is a set of color-coordinated slash pockets that keep my ongoing ideas and tasks in order and in sight without getting in my way.

    We conducted a time study to see how much time people REALLY saved by using the Sunday Basket. 

    You can see the results by watching this video: 

    See what other customers had to say about the difference it made in her life by watching this video: 

    The basket is 13″ wide x 9″ high x 9″ deep. The velcro attachment inside gives you a bit of flexibility depending on how you attach it. It creates a section that is 2.75 to 3.5 inches.

    Select your color of Sunday Basket from the drop-down menu to complete your order.

    The Sunday Basket Orientation Video

    Hear what others have to say about the program: 

    "When I first heard about the Sunday Basket, I thought it was a great idea. I've always loved organizing my papers. I thought it was such a simple concept that I could do it on my own. So I went out and bought some slash pockets and a cheap file box from my local big box store. I sorted all my papers and put them in the file box...And I never used it again. Once I invested in a real Sunday Basket, and all the training and community that comes with it, I realized what I had been missing. Now my Sunday Basket sits on my kitchen counter looking pretty and being put to good use every single day. I want to tell everyone I know about the Sunday Basket and teach them how it can work for them too." — Candida 

    “My Sunday Basket has been in practice for a full year this week. What a difference it has made in our household this year! Setting up my basket I found loose $$, unused gift cards, long-lost credits, forgotten groupons, unsent cards/gifts, unsubmitted reimbursements, duplicate purchases, unpaid bills, overdue books, etc. I spent the year spending, using, sending, submitting, paying, returning the backlog and setting up my slash pockets to be proactive instead of so reactive. Not to mention that there is no paper clutter in my house - so calming! Thank you Lisa Kelly Woodruff, Monique Horb and those in the club who bring such good ideas!” — Jeanine

    "I had a Sunday Basket moment last night. True Story. Standing in my kitchen with my husband as we were getting ready to go out for the evening, my youngest son comes in and asks where his library card was. Now I haven't seen that card in months!! I calmly said, ‘check your slash pocket.’ He said, ‘What?’ I said, ‘Go over to my Sunday Basket and check the slash pocket with your name on it.’ He walked over, found his slash pocket, and looked through it. Sure enough it was there!! I thought, ‘I just saved 45 minutes of my life!!’ I would have had to search the 3-4 piles around my house and probably still wouldn't have found it because it would have been in a drawer or something. I would have been frustrated and felt like I let my family down. Frustrated because I was disorganized. I didn't feel any of that thanks to the Sunday Basket! Thanks Lisa!! Love my Sunday Basket!!" — Vanessa

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    Amanda -
    The Sunday Basket has been a life-saver for me! I spent years with stacks of paper all over the house and never knew where anything was. I first heard about the Sunday Basket in 2018 but didn't think I could afford it so I tried it on my own and let me tell you, that didn't work. I finally asked for a Sunday Basket for Christmas in 2020 and I can't tell you how much of a difference it has made. When life is going well and I'm on top of my Sunday Basket every week, I know exactly where everything is and it feels amazing. But even when I fall behind, there are fewer places to check for missing papers plus it's so much easier to get back on track with just a few dedicated hours. Thank you so much to the entire Organize365 team for the gift that has saved my sanity more than once!!!
    Jan -
    Thinking I was organized, I was using a side table and manila folders to keep my home and my business papers where I could find them. I first got a portable Sunday Basket to put folders in that I needed to reference when on the go. When I invested in the Complete Sunday Basket system, what a difference it made, having the training and community support every Sunday evening or as a replay when it fit into my schedule. Knowing I can leave what can wait until Sunday, instead of getting sidetracked with handling every piece of mail as it comes, frees me to keep focused on what is happening this week, being proactive in planning the week instead of being reactive and unprepared. I was amazed at the mental relief it provided. Thank you Lisa and team! I wish I had found and invested in this system years ago.