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    Organize 365 Kids Program

     Best Sellers


    Your kids will learn how to clean their room, plan their week, keep their activity bags and homework in order and even learn how to organize their toys, hobbies and special memories.

    This program is designed to give your kids the tools and skills they need to get their home and school organized. You can feel confident knowing you are raising kids who will one day be responsible and independent adults.

    This course will walk your kids through the lessons they need to learn how to organize their backpacks, their bedrooms, and their clothes! As a teacher, Lisa teaches these skills simply, clearly, and in her step-by-step way. 

    The Organize 365® Kids Program is a 100% digital course with lessons, videos, and printables.  Lessons will be taught in the dashboard and they can even use check marks to mark the lessons “complete” as they go through the program so your children can see their progress.

    Your kids will learn how to:

    • clean their room
    • plan their week
    • keep their activity bags in order
    • keep their school work in order
    • organize their toys, hobbies and special memories

    The Kids Program consists of a compilation of 5 separate courses:

    • Lessons for Parents - Everything you want to know about how to teach organizing
    • Lessons for Littles - Ages 0-5 Twelve lessons to help organize your littles
    • Lessons for Kids -  Ages 6-15 Twenty step-by-step lessons designed to do a big clean out and reset your kids room 
    • Saturday - Videos, printables & steps to clean & organize your room
    • Sunday - Videos, printables & steps to plan your week
    Pay just one price no matter how many kids you have!  And you will have lifetime access to the program.

    Hear what others have to say about the program:

    "Many miracles!! Week 3 of the Kids Program, and my 9 year old did a great job on her room 3 weeks in a row. And her room has STAYED a clean during the week because she knows she has to clean it every week. It took our 6 year old two weeks the first time because she had so much stuff. This week, the 9 year old did such a good job on hers - and quickly - that I asked her to help her sister with hers. They are working together, finding many lost things, and having fun. And I am working on my Sunday Basket ... while they clean their rooms. Thank you Lisa Kelly Woodruff!!" — Amy

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