Organize 365 products are available to US Residents only
As a companion to the digital Kids Program, we have a line of physical products designed to give your kids the TOOLS to help them get and stay organized!
Kids are the most prolific artists among us. From handprints to dot paintings to scribbles to worksheets–it’s a LOT! When they’re little, everything is darling and precious and reflects great leaps in their development. When they’re older, there may be less tempera paint, but it’s replaced with imaginative stories, clever doodles, and evidence of expanding intelligence.
Sometimes, we need someone to give us permission to keep only the best and the most precious and let go of the rest.
The School Memory Binder will enable you to pare down your collection of kids’ artwork, projects, stories, and more into a beautiful, extra-wide binder. You will be shipped a physical 3-ring binder in the color of your choice containing purposefully designed, full color forms and worksheets to help you organize your child’s school and artwork in chronological order through 12th grade. Each year of your child’s life is given a separate section, and page protectors keep those beloved creations safe for many years to come.
Inside each binder:
The binders hold 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper with the capability to add or rearrange the sheet protectors to create an archival system as unique as your child. It’s recommended that each child has his or her own binder.