Lisa -
I have always been an organized person. However, it wasn't until I started listening to the Organize365 podcasts that I started thinking about gaining time back. I have almost completed the Financial Binder and I cannot convey the peace of mind it has giving me. I am working through the areas in our house and am starting to feel the benefits of increased productivity BECAUSE I'm organized. That had not happened prior to Organize365. Thank you, Organize365. LOVE your products and systems.
Sushma -
Thanks for all that you do Lisa! Your ideas are simple but powerful and I am so glad that you decided to share them with the world. My house is not completely organized yet but I know that with this program and this community, I will get there!
Finally all my stuff has a home. The pandemic helped me organize my home. Although not picture perfect I can find what I'm looking for. With the productive home solution, I have more time now. Thank you Lisa and Organize 365 community!
Marion -
I love the PHS and SB. I am organized and I joined to fine tune my organizational skills and I have learned other approaches and tips as I work through PHS. More importantly, I have used lists to keep track of items to do, etc. in the past but the SB actually does save you time and frees one's mind for other efforts. Lisa, thank you for creating these systems. I love your passion and energy. Kudos to you and your team!!
Wendy -
I’ve been obsessed with Lisa and podcast for years. Sunday Basket is a game changer. Never had one single regret for buying. Do it now. Productive Home Solution is helping me get rest of home in order. I’m going at my own pace. Love all things O365! LOVE!! Start with Sunday Basket and then you will understand why Lisa is awesome
Lora -
I am definitely a turtle when it comes to paper organization but I LOVE how the Productive Home Solution is arranged and paced so that I can work at it at my pace (and hopefully eventually faster) and still make progress because the resources are there for me when I need them and there is lots of encouragement to stay on the rails of getting organized. Despite a slow pace, I have already seen fruit from the organizational tools from this program...the binders, which are only half-set up have already helped me locate important information that I needed and has already started becoming a go-to for information when I or a member of my family needs it. I LOVE having a place...whether it is a Sunday Basket or a Binder or a very helpful!
Sara -
The Productive Home Solution has changed my life in such a positive way. Completing the binders and updating them once a year has been amazing. Everything is in those binders. I even purchased another set as we are building a new house and this system with my portable Sunday basket is helping me with the stress, though this is good stress. I can't thank Lisa enough and love how she utilizes research to get customers what they need!
Judy -
So glad that I signed up for emails and information from Lisa and Organized365. First thing I purchased was the Sunday Work Box which gave me peace of mind and organized that paper pile. I know where the work/paper is, and I know when I am going to process the work in it. I then ordered the Friday Work Box and what a difference in my business. I went all in with Productive Home Solution and all the binders. I finally have a system! I don't miss one Sunday Basket session nor Friday Work Box training, and I even listen to the replay too, and learn something new every time. It has changed my life so much. I now have more time to spend with family, get more accomplished and take more trips because Lisa and all the Team have motivated me to make this my best year! You have all the information right in front of you and assistance with anything at all time. I still feel I have a lot to learn and improve on, but so much further than I have been. I have more time, less stress and less panic over things. I absolutely love the Productive Home Solution and all it has taught me. We downsized 7 years ago, and I am an organizer at heart, but I wasn't getting the results I wanted. This group has helped me zoom through projects. My husband is on board with the organizing, and we have accomplished so much in our house. Thank you for all you do to motivate me, teach me and you do it with such love and enthusiasm! Lisa, all you are so appreciated!
Debbye -
Although I have been a Pro Organizer for MANY years, I decided to purchase the Productive Home Solution as I believe it is not only a great value but a useful plan to achieve and maintain order. I love systems and welcomed this comprehensive program to help keep my household functioning smoothly. The Declutter (wash)-Organize(rinse) and Review (repeat) method really is key!
Dulcinea -
I jumped all in and purchased the PHS and Sunday Basket. Lisa's organizational system and unique approach to paper specifically has been a game changer in my home. The system allows our home to stay "put together" and the binders helped me ditch my filing cabinet! Planning Day is essential to help you look ahead for the next 3-4 months of the year.
Sarah -
In an effort to reduce the chaos in my life, we as a family decided to focus on decluttering. After Maria Kondo told us to get rid of all of our paper, I started looking for a different solution. The Paper Solution was the answer.
I started listening to the podcast, began with the Sunday Basket for my daily paper and then progressed to the Productivity Home Solution course for all of my archived papers- 13 full file cabinet drawers.
This has been a game changer. I now feel organized, in control of my current paper and calendar. This system worked for me. It has changed our lives. I no longer get sick to my stomach when hubby asks for a piece of paper or a receipt. I can easily direct him to the correct location without stress for either of us. That is the goal. Know where your actionable items are and can retrieve without stress.
I can not recommend this program enough. More than 5 stars.
Joanne -
I started with the Sunday basket program. I found I was so successful but with getting my paper under control and that as Lisa said I saved money and time. I know where my gift cards and coupons are people. That made me so excited that I have joined the Productive home solution. Life gets busy so I give myself grace, use the energy I do have when I have it and just enjoy the results as they come. I cannot enough how much this program has given me. This Christmas I was able to go to my storage room and find every single box I needed for decorating, and as I found I didn’t not want to use, it went right in my give away pile. If you have any desire to organize your home DO This Program! You will not regret it.
Verna -
I am convinced that my future is much brighter because of the PHS. I have loved learning and relearning. My mom was naturally organized and I always fell short of her example. Now I have freedom to think differently. To live positively and proactively. To fulfill my unique purpose. It’s never too late to start. All the other organizing systems I tried worked for awhile. This is the first one that acknowledged changing needs for changing seasons of life. I am truly grateful!
Jennifer -
I just hit my 2 year ORG 365 "anniversary" and I dont know how I would be functioning at all without all the tools and training I have gained. This is truly life changing!
Virginia -
I am making progress even though it is slow. I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel! It may take me a few years but at least I have accountability and people that point in the direction of the right kind of progress, week in and week out. Having lost my father last year, I know that Lisa already went through that and can relate. As I take time occasionally to read his old letters and so on, or hang up more of his paintings, I know she and others have already gone this way. Her enthusiasm helps, and so do her prayers! Many thanks, and Merry Christmas!
Tamara -
Lisa and her programs are what keep me sane! I have many roles in life and without her inspirations, plans and teaching I would be under water. I would recommend this program to everyone and anyone who is willing to invest in themselves. This will get you on your way to achieving all of your goals! Lisa will show you it is worth having dreams and goals, and that, in fact, you can have time to accomplish them!
Tammy -
There is an enormous amount of content in this program. If your brain is able to handle it all, this program will likely aid you in getting organized. If you struggle with the overwhelm of too much information and it paralyzes you, you would not want to purchase the whole program right away. Start with the Sunday Basket, and master that before you try anything else, especially if paper is the bane of your existence. If your paper isn't the problem, but your house is in great need of decluttering, Lisa's teaching skills, and the breadth of her descriptions, will make that effort feel conquerable. But the other key ingredient is you have to be ready, mentally, emotionally and practically to address your challenges, as well.
Lisa -
Lisa has transformed my thinking so that anytime I go into a situation I have principals she has taught me to handle my daily life and unexpected events. Having a workbox was the start then I was ready to tackle the rest of my house. I've moved several times since getting my Sunday Basket and whenever I neglect my basket for a time I feel it in my mental state, I can't handle things like I know I can thanks to Organize 365!! Thank you Lisa
Jessica -
The PHS helped me get a handle on my home and my paper so I could finally stop feeling so overwhelmed with my life. I love her brand of functional organization that helps me do things in a way that makes sense for my family. Highly recommend!
Patty -
I feel so much more in control since implementing the PHS. I always knew where things were before, but now I can actually open the drawers and cupboards without things falling out - and I can close them again! It’s nice to FEEL organized and not just look that way on the surface. Thanks, Lisa, for creating this system and sharing it with us!
Francie -
This product doesn’t so much sell solutions (though it suggests some great ones) as effectively teach habits of mind that inspire and empower you to design your own solutions to improve your own unique life. Exceeds expectations.
Lindsay -
I don't usually write reviews, but I will write one for Lisa. I've always been a very organized person (a perfectionist really) but my kids are complete tornados. Lisa has taught me through PHS that done is better than perfect (which is something I grumble to myself frequently lol). Lisa has taught me to plan in a way that allows for a ton of flexibility, which is something I greatly appreciate. With PHS and Lisa's sage advice I have been finally able to tame the mess and realize that it's okay to not have everything perfectly completed.
Lori -
As a small child, cleaning my room overwhelmed me so much I would sit in the middle of the floor and cry. In adulthood, Lisa came along and taught me that organization is a learnable skill. I am making steady progress on an organized, productive home. But, more importantly, I no longer berate myself while doing so. Lisa is a fantastic teacher and an enthusiastic guide.
Kim -
I found Lisa on Audible The Paper Solution after that I got all her other books, joined “All Access” aka Productive Home Solution with the Planning Day Subscription and my life is moving forward better than I could have ever done on my own. Thank you Lisa and the whole Organize 365 team!
Kathleen -
I started with the Sunday Basket system and it was so helpful that I decided to purchase the Productive Home Solution as well. Although I am new to this system I’m excited to get my office/work area organized. I will finally be able to move forward in my life’s passion. Thanks, Lisa.
Julie -
I am so thankful for Lisa and so glad I found her and this program! I have followed a lot of different people and tried many different programs to get organized. We lived in an RV for 2 years with 4 kids and even though I had minimal things, I still didn't feel organized. Lisa and this program has filled in the missing steps for me. I started the program in September of this year and already feel very hopeful and that I'm slowly getting things in order, even though I just had my sixth child at the end of October. I never write any reviews for anything, but felt I needed to make an exception this time. I know it is a large investment, but it is so worth it.
Susan -
Lisa is a a great role model even though she is 25 years younger than I am! I have learned so very much, but my progress is slow due to my other commitments - 10 grandchildren that live nearby and the 3 others that I visit in Israel annually, my YouTube cooking channel, and my volunteering. The Sunday Work basket has also helped, but the biggest help has been the Friday Workbox. Each Planning Day helps me grow. I had tried other programs but Lisa does the magic that encourages me to keep on decluttering and organizing.
Jamie -
All of Lisa’s products have changed my life! My mom passed away when I was only 31 and had a 2 year old and a 6 month old baby. Now 8 years later and 4 kids total I am moving at the speed of light over here and without a mom to guide me. Although I have never met Lisa she is like a mom to me in the sense that she is constantly teaching and encouraging me! I do not feel alone in my journey anymore! Thank you Lisa for helping me learn and grow ❤️ you are so appreciated!!
Best way to declutter, organize and become productive in a year. Binders are an absolute game changer to have all financial, health, home, and information to provide to buyer of your home.
Lisa is a phenomenal teacher who has the realistic answer to achieve your goals in a supportive community. It is obvious that she loves what she does which is so wonderful to see and hear.
Sara -
By diving into the PHS the last 2 years and focusing on one area of the Swiss cheese organizational technique at a time, this house that I have lived in for 12 years is finally feeling like it is my home. I don’t feel like I am renting it anymore. Also, the skills I have been learning have seeped into my personal, work, and financial life. It truly is transformational. Thank you Lisa!
Cindy -
I love and recommend The Productive Home Solution because of how well thought out and put together it is. I love that I don’t have to think about what steps to take; I just have to follow the steps laid out for me. This frees up the space in my brain for more important things, making me more productive in other areas. In addition, it’s Lisa’s energy and passion that motivate me along the way, helping me to be successful in finally getting ahold of ALL aspects of organization in my life. That said, if you are in the middle of the parenting stage, give yourself a break, try not to sweat the small stuff, and enjoy your kids! This program and the kids’ program will help a ton. Just remember to be present with your family, which the PHS will give you time to do.
Jayme -
I have been following Lisa for years but last December took the plunge and ordered the Sunday Basket and Productive Home Solutions. To say the past year has been my best in a long time is an understatement! I LOVE the changes she is making and the Thursday emails. Thank You Lisa and the O365 community for pushing me to get out of my comfort zone.
Julie -
This has literally made my chaos organized. I had file cabinets everywhere and no clue which had what. 3 floor running up and down to try and find important things I need. Thanks to this system it is on the bookcase always in my reach.